
8 Tips To Keep Yourself Mentally Healthy

We all know about continuously working on our physical health, but how do you work on keeping yourself mentally healthy?

Here are 8 tips you should practice every day.

1) It is a known fact that if you are around positive thinking people, you will be too. It has also been repeated time and time that “you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with” -Jim Rohn. Why do you suppose this is true? Have you ever been around a person that you think of as always being happy? How do you feel when you are around that person? And on the latter side, do you know someone who is always complaining? Does it make you want to be around that person? I think you get the idea. Personalities are catchy. It is tough t be down around an upbeat person. Whether we like to believe it or not, we are influenced by the relationships we have with others. Do yourself a favor and limit time with “Debbie Downers!”

2) Be a friend to yourself and love yourself for who you are. Do not be a negative self-talker. Think to yourself, would you be your friend? In other words, if anyone you cared about spoke to you as you do to yourself, how long would you continue to be their friend? If you are continually looking down on yourself, you always have negative thoughts running amuck in your brain. Make sure if you find yourself doing this; remind yourself that you are your own best friend. 

Here is the definition from the Wikipedia;

An internal monologue, also called self-talk, inner speech, inner discourse, or internal discourse, is a person's inner voice that provides a running verbal monologue of thoughts while they are conscious. It is usually tied to a person's sense of self.  

3) When you hear the word exercise, do you think of only the physical aspects? The benefits of exercise can substantially help your mental health too. It’s a proven fact that just walking stimulates the endorphins that are your body’s natural mood elevators. I know some of you are going to say, “I don’t have time to exercise, I have children at home, and they require my attention at all times.” If you are one of the thousands of people who are either stay at home parents or even work a full-time job, you can take time to exercise and spend time with your children by including them. Walking or riding bikes is a great way to exercise and spend time with your kids. If the weather doesn’t permit activities like this, be creative and do a dancing video together. Your children like to not only move but love spending time with you doing any activity. Make it fun for everyone. 

4) Making sure you get adequate sunlight. You may be asking yourself, what does the sun have to do with being mentally healthy? Sunlight can give you vitamin D that your body is lacking, vitamin D is what makes our bones stronger too, sunlight also helps your body absorb calcium that it needs. Vitamin D also helps with inflammation. Soaking up the rays makes your serotonin levels increase. When your levels are low, it can cause Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD.) Sunshine can also lower your blood pressure by releasing nitric oxide into your blood. The benefits of basking in the sun are beneficial to all. Just remember always to use a natural sunscreen to prevent burning if you will be in the sun for longer than 10 minutes or so.


5) Sleep is more important, then most people think. Not having an adequate amount of sleep causes your brain to have slower mental performance, you may have trouble doing a simple task due to lack of sleep. There is also a physiological side to not getting enough sleep. If you are sleep deprived, it has been linked to mental illnesses such as depression, mania in people with bipolar disorder, and anxiety. The best way to get enough sleep is to maintain a consistent schedule. Then your body and brain will be in a verbose mode that will ultimately keep you mentally healthy. I also recommend naps if you have small children at home who also nap. Giving yourself a 20-30 minute nap will allow your brain time to relax, and you will feel refreshed and restore alertness. Did you know that lack of sleep can also cause dementia and Alzheimer's? Studies show that poor sleep quality was associated with the presence of amyloid plaque. You can read more about that here at https://www.alzdiscovery.org/cognitive-vitality/blog/sleep-and-alzheimers-disease-more-evidence-on-their-relationship

6) Allow yourself free time. For some, this is a hard task. They either don’t allow themselves time, due to judgment of others, or because they feel they don’t have any “extra” time to give. Again, if you make this a habit, it is easier to create the time. It doesn’t need to be hours each day or even every week. Just small amounts of time to create the peace you need to stay in a healthy mental place. Ideas for you to try are; 

– Go for a 10-minute walk around your house, if the weather permits do it outside. 

– Give yourself 5 minutes to clear your head entirely by meditating. It doesn’t need to be much, create a silent place where you can give yourself a few moments to look within. 

– If you are able, schedule a massage, facial, acupuncture, or something that allows you to stop, unwind, and relax. 

– Make a date with your significant other once a month. Hire a babysitter if you have children at home and take time for each other. With the busy lives we lead, it is good to connect with your spouse and make time for each other.

– Take a bath. It is a proven fact that baths calm our minds, along with calming our bodies. Warm water relaxes muscles. And, adding essential oils or Epsom salt adds tremendous value to an ordinary bath. Essential oils like lavender are calming, and Epsom salt relieves aching muscles. 

7) Eating foods that fuel your brain is crucial. Those who eat a high diet in sugar or processed foods are more sluggish. These foods often create “brain slow down.” Another factor could be our coffee craze. Caffeine is known for its short time boost, often leading into a significant drop in performance when it wears off. Make sure you drink a sufficient amount of water daily and taking high-quality supplements ensures that you are getting adequate vitamins and minerals that our food is often lacking. Being mindful of what you are fueling your body with is key to your mental health as well. If you are fueling your body with foods that make your brain work at a higher level, why would you eat things that suck the energy out of you?

8) Keep your stress levels low. For some, this is a difficult thing to do. I am sure you know someone or may be that “someone” that always seems to be stressed. Stress can cause a toll on not only your mental health but on your physical well-being too. Although at times, something may seem to be the most challenging thing, we can often look back and realize that it was blown out of proportion. Not to say that there aren’t times when things are rough, but again accessing the situation so that you can decide its importance level. I have seen many family and friends stress over insignificant things. Some things you could try are, mindset shifts, changing your response, creating resilience, and just creating peace of mind for yourself. Remember, these won’t come natural, and you will have to be mindful to be able to put these in practice. If you can make a habit of stepping back when you feel overwhelmed and look at the overall picture, you can create a healthier lifestyle all around.

The biggest take away from all of our tips is to always be creating a Health Yeah Life for yourself!  

Karin Banghart

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