
All About Gluten-free Juicing And Cleansing

Eating and drinking clean is essential for a healthy lifestyle. To continue being at your optimal health, you must avoid all junk that causes a decline in your health. 

Eating a gluten-free diet has gained a lot of popularity in recent times. Celebrities and nutritionists endorse it. Most people believe that adhering to a gluten-free diet will solve most of their health issues like anxiety, weight gain, hair loss, and much more. 

But if you have been eating a lot of junk food and want to cleanse your body, you may want to try out a gluten-free juicing and cleansing diet

One inevitably happens to consume many calories from junk, especially over the holiday and festival seasons. Sometimes no matter how much you try, you cannot seem to avoid it. Well, we have good news for you. 

Don't worry about those extra calories you have already consumed. But if those calories have caused you to put on weight, you can try our gluten-free juicing and cleansing diet!

Several people have widely followed a gluten-free juicing and cleansing diet, and it has proved to be quite helpful to most of them. 

If you also wish to benefit from it, let us first understand the gluten-free juicing and cleansing diet.

The Gluten-free Juicing And Cleansing Diet 

gluten-free diet is held on a high pedestal by most nutritionists, and many people follow it irrespective of whether they have celiac disease or sensitivity to gluten. 

A gluten diet is most suited for someone with celiac or gluten intolerance and may not be equally healthy for those without the mentioned issues. Why then do people follow it so much, and how does it help?

Gluten is a big enemy for our health as it causes several other problems when consumed in large quantities. And when one goes on a gluten-free diet, they cut down on gluten and allow their body to recuperate from any damage that gluten might have caused earlier. It helps your health and reduces the symptoms of whatever health issues one might be facing.

A gluten-free cleanse can be the best way to detoxify your body from the buildup of harmful components and toxins from years of eating junk. Naturally, it will not happen overnight, but you sure will feel a drastic change in your health when you cleanse your body.

One of the most famous detoxifying or cleansing diets is the juice diet. This detox diet cleanses your body from within by consuming only vegetable and fruit juices for a couple of days. The ideal period to follow the juice cleanse diet is around 3-4 days.

Let us understand more about gluten-free juicing by understanding the cleansing diet and its pros and cons.

Gluten-free Cleansing 

Starving yourself for any reason will not make your body fit. Instead, you may be damaging your health when you go on prolonged fasting. But a juice fast is entirely different. 

While you fast, you keep consuming vegetable and fruit juices, which help you ingest the right amounts of nutrients and essential components. And it is a great way to cleanse your body from within since you do not eat any junk food during this time. Most food that contains gluten is junk. 

For example, bread, pizza, pasta, pastries, and many more foods cause you to put on fat and lower your energy and metabolism. It is quite harmful to your body in the long run if you do continue to eat this way.

Consuming gluten-free juices is very easy. It is known that fruits and vegetables in their natural form are entirely free of gluten. But you must ensure that you drink only natural and fresh juices when you go on a juice cleanse diet. 

It is because consuming juices made of preserved or canned vegetables or fruits may contain traces of gluten. Gluten contamination can happen through any source without you realizing it.

Canned fruits and vegetables are at a high risk of gluten contamination since the preservatives added to them to keep them fresh may contain gluten. So, if you want to stay wholly gluten-free or have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, you should consume fresh juices at all times.

But when you go on a gluten-free juicing and cleansing diet, you need to follow a specific diet pattern through the entire length of the cleanse. 

While the diet consists of mainly consuming juices, you can also have some smoothies to balance your body's daily nutrient requirements and make you less hungry.

Why Are Gluten-free Juice Diets Highly Recommended?

This question dates back to quite a few years ago. The first juicing machine came into existence in 1930. We have used juicing as a method to cure several ailments. 

Most alternative health professionals advocated the great benefits of juice diets. But the pros of going gluten-free were not famous then. So, now gluten-free juices are what the nutritionists recommend widely.

A fruit and vegetable juice diet was trendy because of the high vitamin and nutrient content.

These nutrient extracts in fruits and vegetables are what make them easily digestive. The components in these fresh and natural fruit and vegetable juices flush out all the toxins in your body. 

This happens by flooding the body with healing nourishment. So even if you have been consuming junk full of gluten for a long while, you can start eating healthy. 

Following the detox gluten-free juice diet at least once or twice a month will keep you feeling healthy.

Our body is naturally capable of detoxifying itself. But this process is hampered when you continually eat junk. 

Consuming juices will support the detox process of your body. 

Cutting out on all fried foods, sugar, refined ingredients, and the likes will boost the process. 

This way, you can start eating healthier and get a fresh start to build up your body's health.

How Does The Gluten-free Juicing And Cleansing Diet Work?

Ideally, there are three stages in the gluten-free juice fasting period, which you should follow for the best results. They are –

  • Before (preparation period)
  • During (cleansing period)
  • After (post-cleansing period)

It is imperative to follow all three stages. 

1. Before (Pre-Cleanse)

No diet will show immediate effects, especially if you do not prepare yourself for it. Depending solely on a diet to work miracles is never wise. Most people do not understand this and give up too soon when they do not see instant health changes. 

When you try a gluten-free juicing and cleansing diet, you first need to prepare your body.

At least a week before you get on the detox juice fasting, your body needs to prep for it. Start by cutting out ingredients like sugar, caffeine, meat, dairy, alcohol, and the likes. When doing this, you are training your body to be able to survive well without these foods. At the same time, you must also gradually increase your daily intake of fruits and vegetables. It would be better if it were in the juice form. 

By doing this, you are habituating your body to a gluten-free juicing and cleansing diet.

Reminder: If you go all in at once, you may become bloated. 

  2During (Cleansing Period)

Cleansing is the central part of your diet lasting around 3-4 days. During this time, you should consume as many juices as you can. Remember that the minimum amount of fruits and vegetable juices consumed is 5-6 glasses of juice per day. Still drink your daily intake of water along with juicing. 

Add green vegetables too, sometimes blending them with fruit helps with the taste if you are not a fan of them. Out of the 5-6 glasses of fruit and vegetable juices or smoothies, you must include green vegetables to at least half the amount of your total intake. It is best to drink one glass every 2 hours or so.

While you cleanse your body, you mustn't neglect the daily nutrient requirement of your body. If your body lacks the essential nutrients, proteins, and vitamins, the diet can backfire and make you weaker. 

That is why complete fasting is never a good idea, but fresh fruits and vegetable juice cleansing is a more preferred one.

3. After (Post-Cleansing Period)

Jumping right back into your old eating habits will render the cleansing diet useless. That is why it is best if you start eating healthy gradually. Increase your solid food intake bit by bit for a few days before getting into your eating cycle again. Taking it slow will give you the best results. 

But make sure that whatever solid food you eat is not junk, only healthy and nutritious. 

Things To Remember When Doing a Juice Cleanse

Adhering to a juice cleanse fast may not be easy for everyone. And if you are new to this and do not know how to go about it, we have included a few tips to help you along the way.

  • Cut Back On Exercise

If you are prone to working out every day or have a schedule that involves a lot of physical activity, it is best to tone it down. Since you will no longer be consuming solid food, your energy levels might not be the same. So toning down on your physical activity level will be better during the fast. But you can go for walks, which will increase your blood circulation.

To completely detoxify your body, going on a gluten-free juice cleansing diet is not sufficient. You also need to relax your mind and body to feel your best. You can try some breathing exercises and make sure to sleep well to increase your gluten-free diet plan's efficiency.

  • Increase in Bowel Movements

Being new to the juice cleanse diet means you will have more frequent bowel movements. If you have never gone on a liquid diet before, be cautious of the “cleansing” side. It may mean staying close to the bathroom. You will see an increase in bowel movements. It is perfectly normal as part of the process of the cleanse.


Gluten-free eating has proved to be super beneficial in several cases. People with various ailments and health issues have testified about getting better by switching to a gluten-free diet. But you must remember that if you do not have celiac disease or are not gluten-sensitive, you must adhere to a gluten-free diet only after consulting your doctor.

Gluten-free juice cleanses are a great way to restart your body after detoxifying it and flushing out all the built-up toxins. 

Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables are naturally wholly free of gluten, which is a win-win. 

Try following the cleansing routine for a couple of months for at least once or twice a month for best results. 

If you are looking for the easiest way to juice we recommend a juicer that is easy to use.

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Karin Banghart