
What Are The Health Benefits Of Garlic?

Garlic is an essential member of the onion family. The 10-20 cloves in the garlic bulb give every dish a robust smell and taste. Due to this reason, garlic is grown and loved across the globe. Historians have even found garlic consumption in old civilizations, including Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, and …

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Can You Eat Gluten After Going Gluten-Free?

Many start the diet with much dedication but question whether they can have a tiny bite of gluten-based foods. Staying consistent without giving in to your cravings is difficult on any diet, let alone a gluten-free one. Another alternative is when you’ve reached your goals and finally want to eat …

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Is It Healthy to Eat Honey?

Before the 2000s, traditional medicine was about natural ingredients that boost health. One of these proclaimed health boosters was honey. Can’t get rid of that cough? Have a tablespoon of honey and black pepper. Need to treat wounds? Honey is the answer. Today, science has caught up with most of …

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Are Eggs Good for Gut Health?

Your gut microbiota flourishes when you feed it prebiotics and probiotics. In other words, it needs a source of indigestible fiber. As a result, these good bacteria help in several functions that keep your body healthy and functional. The Benefits of Eggs for Gut Health Before we jump to the …

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What Foods are Prebiotics?

The term prebiotics is making a name for itself in the world of non-pharmaceutical healthy products for your body. Even dieticians and doctors favor this food group for the numerous health benefits it brings. Some people, luckily, have never had to hear the word prebiotics from a medical expert yet. …

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Pantry Clean Out Tips & Tricks

We’ve all faced a time when our pantry was a mess, and we didn’t know where to start. It happens to the best of us. The best way to combat it is a full deep clean of your kitchen pantry. You may need to take out an entire day on …

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Why Are Habits Important?

Habits might seem like a word you hear about every once in a while. Dwell on the complexity of the nature behind habits, and there are tons of dimensions humans are only beginning to understand. Did your parents force you to sleep on time and make a habit out of …

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Movement is Medicine

The pandemic has made many people become couch potatoes, sticking to our lounge sofa and not moving a muscle. The irreversible shift to the work-from-home trend has escalated this practice. However, movement is more critical than ever with limited activities. Our bodies still need to move to stay healthy. Otherwise, …

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8 Self-Care Tips To Start Your New Year The Right Way

The start of another year is all about making resolutions and sticking to them. Unfortunately, most stray from this path after a few months, if not weeks, into the year. It can undoubtedly get tricky with piling assignments, work, and commitments. We often push self-care to the back of our …

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