
Is There Gluten In Cookies?

Most of us have grown up with cookies and milk being a nostalgic part of childhood desserts. But even when you’ve grown up, cookies can satisfy your taste buds with just the right amount of sugary wholesomeness. Eating cookies can be the perfect addition to your day. Moreover, you can …

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Protect Your Bones By Going Gluten-Free

You probably have heard about many benefits of a gluten-free diet and how beneficial it is for your overall health. But did you know that a gluten-free diet protects bone density? The benefits of going gluten-free are not just restrained to losing weight or only for people with sensitivity to gluten. …

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Is There Gluten in Pasta?

Pasta has made a name for itself across the world, and all for a good reason. Whether you’re an Italian or not, pasta is a delicious meal that can fulfill your hunger cravings. Moreover, you can eat pasta as an appetizer or even a full meal, depending on how you …

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Is There Gluten in Pizza?

Nothing beats enjoying a well-deserved weekend after a hectic week than a pizza by your side. Pizza has been a comfort food for many, for all the right reasons as well. The delicious toppings loaded on classic pizza dough is bound to make you forget all your worries. However, on …

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Is There Gluten in Potatoes?

There is no doubt that potatoes are a global favorite in the vegetable section. This starchy vegetable has upheld its esteemed position due to the endless array of dishes with this one ingredient. You wouldn’t want to leave behind your favorite vegetable when switching to a gluten-free lifestyle. And we’re …

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Introduction to Gluten-Free Living

Are you amongst 1 in 133 people in the USA who are allergic to Gluten? Or do you fall in the category of 29% Americans who inculcate gluten-free living due to health reasons?  In either case or even if you are looking to know more about incorporating a diet that …

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What harm can gluten do?

A gluten-free diet is neither a food fad nor a weight loss diet. A gluten-free diet is therapeutic for people who have allergic or immune reactions to gluten. These reactions aren’t trivial but severe and life-threatening reactions that can reduce their chances of living in good health. The Big Deal …

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