
Is All Vodka Gluten-free?

Who does not love a couple of shots of vodka when partying out with friends! Vodka is one alcoholic beverage that is extremely popular among both men and women. A lovely evening out, or even in the comfort of your home, you can enjoy vodka. Or can you? Is vodka gluten-free? Things may get a little confusing when you are on a gluten-free diet. And we are here to clear any doubts you have.

Is all vodka gluten-free? Do you think of this question and are careful enough to check the labels of your drink?

Well, even the slightest bit of gluten in anything you consume can trigger an allergic reaction in your body if you are sensitive to gluten or have celiac disease. To answer this question- “Is all vodka gluten-free?” let us first understand the composition of vodka.

How Is Vodka Made?

A range of fermented products goes into the making of vodka. These fermented products are generally grains like wheat, rice, sorghum, rye, corn, potatoes, sugar, or some fruits.

  • These fermented products form around only 16 percent of alcohol by volume in the vodka. It is not enough to get the ‘kick' as required in the alcoholic beverages
  • To increase this alcohol by volume percent, the manufacturers put it through the distillation process. 
  • If not distillation, there is also another method of increasing the alcohol percent.
  • They put vodka through a high heating process wherein the container in which this is called the Still.
  • The boiling temperature of alcohol is lower than water. 
  • That is why, when vodka boils, the alcohol in it evaporates and separates from the water. The manufacturers then collect this strong undiluted, evaporated alcohol. 
  • The usual range of alcohol by volume in most brands of vodka is around 30 to 40 percent. 
  • Some other brands may even have up to 95 to 96 percent, but it is not safe to consume alcohol like this in large amounts.

When vodka contains fermented grains like wheat, rye, and barley, how is all vodka gluten-free? Whether the vodka comes from potatoes, sugar, or grains, it is gluten-free due to the distillation process.

Is Alcohol Gluten-free?

To answer this question, all plain alcohol that undergoes a distillation process is gluten-free. All the gluten is removed from alcohol even if made from grains like wheat, rye, and barley. 

The distillation process separates all the gluten and makes the alcohol fit for drinking even for celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. It would help if you always watched flavored alcohol as there are high chances of gluten contamination.

What alcohol should you then consume if you are on a gluten-free diet? If you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, you must watch every ingredient that enters your body. 

There are many foods and ingredients which appear seemingly harmless but pose a threat to celiac patients.

Here are the gluten-free alcohols that are most suitable for a gluten-free diet.

  • Whiskey
  • Gin
  • Vodka
  • Bourbon
  • Tequila
  • Rum
  • Mezcal
  • Cognac
  • Scotch
  • Absinthe
  • Brandy
  • Liquor
  • Vermouth

It would be best to remember that these alcoholic beverages become gluten-free only after undergoing the distillation process. If there is no distillation process, there is a high chance of them containing gluten.

As for beer being a gluten-free beverage, it all depends on the brand and manufacturers. Given the steep rise in demands for gluten-free beer, most brands have taken to manufacturing them.

But the second principal component in beer after water is either wheat or barley. So, beer in its natural form was not gluten-free until the recent processes made it so.

If you like to have ouzo, you must be careful about it when on a gluten-free diet. Ouzo is one liquor product that has gluten contamination. 

It is because even after it undergoes the distillation process, they may add grains to it. But this does not always happen. It depends from one manufacturer to another and the ingredients they use. Be sure to check the labels of all your alcoholic beverages before consuming them, so you can be confident about them being gluten-free.

Gluten-free Vodka

The distillation process makes vodka super safe for people with celiac disease. But there may be hidden gluten in some vodka brands due to the added flavors and ingredients. There is also a possibility of gluten contamination if vodka proccing occurs after distillation in the same facility as the gluten-containing products.

Water and ethanol make up the main components of vodka, but any traces of other ingredients that contain gluten cause contamination. In recent times, most vodka manufacturers have made it a point to produce gluten-free vodka to meet the rising demands. 

Many nutritionists endorse a gluten-free diet on a large scale. So, to meet this demand, almost all foods are now available as gluten-free, and vodka is no exception.

If you have long been on the lookout for gluten-free vodka brands, we are here to help you.

10 gluten-free Vodka brands for you to try out

Tito's – this brand of vodka manufactures naturally gluten-free vodka. They use corn in the distillation process, which keeps the vodka free from gluten contamination. The Gluten Intolerance Group or GIG has certified them as absolutely gluten-free, so it is undoubtedly suitable for a gluten-free diet.

Grey Goose – this brand uses very specific and exclusive ingredients in their vodka, which gives it a distinct flavor and character. They have a natural limestone well in Gensac La Pallu from where they extract the elements. This natural limestone well as a single origin Picardie Wheat and Water. This Picardie Wheat and Water is what Grey Goose uses in their gluten-free vodka. 

Stolichnaya – this brand has been making top-notch quality Vodka for a long time. But now, they have even started producing delicious gluten-free vodka. They have exclusive fields of their own where they grow fertile corn and buckwheat.

So their gluten-free vodka has about 88 percent corn and 12 percent buckwheat. Corn and buckwheat are the replacement for gluten-containing grains. These contain in any gluten-free counterparts of the gluten-containing foods. 

Bombora vodka – this brand produces only grape vodka. It is made exclusively in Australia and imported from there. The vodka processes in facilities where only grapes help in the fermentation. Meaning there isn't any gluten contamination via the facility. 

Smirnoff vodka – all of Smirnoff's plain vodka is super safe to consume, especially for celiac disease or gluten sensitivity patients. They put their vodka through the distillation process from corn.

They have now introduced a new flavor that has 10% fruit juice. This flavored vodka, unlike the others, is certified and labeled to be completely gluten-free. These flavored vodkas are Cranberry Apple, Pineapple, and Ruby Red Grapefruit. 

Kissui vodka – this is an exclusively Japanese brand. This brand is true to its name ‘Kissui,' which translates to ‘Pure.' This brand of vodka produces only one ingredient vodka. They use rice along with natural spring water to make the vodka. There is no chance of gluten contamination since the facility processes no other ingredients.

Luksusowa Vodka – Luksusowa is a Polish brand and is a polish word, which means luxury in Polish. Their brand has been one of the most preferred and famous ones around the world.

The specialty of the brand is that they produce the only vodka made of potatoes. So even after the distillation process, there is no extra flavoring in the vodka. And since only potatoes come in use, there is also no concern about gluten contamination in the facility. 

Zodiac vodka – this brand of vodka produces vodka in small batches. Zodiac Vodka is made from potatoes and is available in 2 flavors. The processing of potatoes happens in their aquifer facility at Idaho's Snake River.

The two flavors that this vodka is available in is plain and black cherry. It is super safe to consume this gluten-free vodka since they only use potatoes as an ingredient.

Monopolowa vodka – this brand of vodka first started in Poland. But they have extended to Australia too, where the vodka undergoes the distillation process. Monopolowa produces vodka that is made only from potatoes.

So again, there is no chance of gluten contamination in the facility. They also have a gin that is made of potatoes and is entirely gluten-free. 

Crystal Head Vodka – this exclusive brand of vodka crafts the beverage in a unique way. The distillation process happens in Newfoundland of Canada. Distillation occurs from peaches and cream corn. So, although it contains grains, it is entirely gluten-free.

The vodka again undergoes filtering even after the distillation process is over. The filtering happens through the Herkimer Diamonds, which are semi-precious crystals. There are no additional flavors or ingredients added to it, so it is entirely safe and gluten-free.

These brands are not all widely available everywhere you go. Some of them are exclusive brands that are available in only one particular state or country. 

If you are fond of vodka and always prefer to drink gluten-free ones, you can import some of these brands if they are not available in your locality. Or, you would have to look for brands local to you that produce gluten-free vodka.


So, are you still wondering if all vodka is gluten-free? If it is plain vodka, it is free of gluten, but it may contain gluten if it has flavors added in any way.

One cannot always guarantee how safe distilled vodka is when it is not marked gluten-free. There can be residues of gluten left in the vodka even after it undergoes the distillation process. Having celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity, even a small amount of gluten entering your body can trigger an allergic reaction.

But how do you differentiate whether the brand produces gluten-free vodka or not? Legally, the brands cannot label their vodkas as gluten-free if they used any grain containing gluten. So, if your vodka has gluten-free explicitly mentioned on the label, then it surely can be trusted to be so.

Sometimes there is a misconception among many that gluten-free vodka is way costlier than regular vodka. Well, that is certainly not true. Many brands produce gluten-free vodka, and it costs the same as the standard counterpart.

Some brands may price it a little bit more according to the quality and demand. But otherwise, you do not have to worry about having to pay extra for gluten-free vodka. Off the top shelf, brands may be costlier, but others are quite affordable.

It does not always happen that all celiac patients or gluten-sensitive people react adversely to gluten contaminated vodka. Although it is not that common, some do gel well with grain vodka. 

If you are not very fond of plain vodka and always need flavored ones, you also have some great options. For example, the Chocolate Mint flavor from Iceberg Vodka or the Blood Orange Flavor from Devotion is a super delicious option.

Although having to be careful about your diet and health requirements can be a little tedious, it becomes more comfortable with such unique brands. You do not have to give up your relaxing evenings and vodka if you love it. Stock up on some gluten-free options or arrange beforehand with the restaurant you would be visiting, and you are good to go.

Karin Banghart