Do you feel sluggish? Do you have brain fog? Do you have bowel issues? You need to look at all your “feels.” What do I mean by that? Do you notice anything after you eat a particular type of food? How do you feel? Sometimes it can even be a day or two later, which makes it difficult to pinpoint.
But, all the questions of how your body is feeling, actually come down to one thing, the nutrition you are “feeding” your body.
I often say that people would not treat their vehicles the way they treat their bodies. They wouldn't be putting diesel fuel into an unleaded tank and expecting it to run correctly. But that is what we are doing by eating foods that our bodies have sensitivities to. You can take a bite or two here and there, just like you could add a couple of diesel drops to your fuel tank. Your vehicle is going to continue to run okay, But not at an optimal level. If you filled your whole take with diesel fuel, I guarantee your truck would not run. This analogy is a great thing to keep in mind when you think about your food and what you put into your body.
Let's talk about diets.

I honestly don't believe there is one diet that works for everyone. In saying that, it takes time to figure out what is making you sick. There are so many choices in foods these days. So how do you choose the best one for you? My personal experience has been a lot of trial and error and eliminating different foods that my body does not seem to agree with.
If you are radical and believe that your diet is the only one that everyone should eat, you are incorrect. I think different body types, blood types, and genetic predispositions have a factor in what you can eat and should eat.
Let's take, for example, the carnivore diet. The reason most people may do well on this diet, in my opinion, is because you are doing an Elimination Diet. You have taken all other foods out of your diet except for meat. In doing so, you are going to eliminate reactions from foods that you eat that your body disagrees with.
Vegan Diet
Some individuals choose to eat a vegetarian or vegan diet but need protein that typically comes from meat. They could be missing out on vitamins and minerals their body needs. We have added articles for a better understanding of both Vegan and Vegetarian Diets.
Vegetarian Diet
Eating gluten-free is a good example of eliminating anything with gluten. Why does it seem like so many have sensitivities towards gluten? My belief in this has a lot to do with how our wheat is being processed and grown.
Gluten-Free Diet
I also think that all not sensitivities are because of the food itself. I just mentioned eating gluten and how the wheat is now processed and grown. The same goes for vegetables and fruit. The soil farmers use now isn’t as nutrient-rich. They are also using chemicals such as pesticides that we are ingesting. How can poisons not be significant factors into our gut issues?
You can then take this a step further and add how our protein, ie. animals, are processed? Cows, pigs, chickens, etc. are being raised in small spaces and fed diets that fatten them up, such as corn, so that they grow at a much more rapid rate.
How can you begin to figure out what foods you have sensitivities to?
Start with a detox.

My suggestion would be starting any diet with a detox, such as Dr. Oz’s 3-day detox. You can find the informational sheet here.
Remember to always consult your doctor before beginning any detox. If you take medications, have diabetes, high blood pressure, etc., never start a detox without consulting your doctor. Also, keep in mind that these may not be typical foods you eat. You are going to have some adjustments when you start. You may experience gas, bloating, shakiness, or become lethargic. These tend to go away after the first day, be patient with yourself. Plan your 3 days when you won't be tempted to discontinue your detox.
After your 3 days of detox, slowly start adding in whole Organic foods. I suggest looking at a whole30 nutrition program. One month of dedication will change how you feel on the inside.
It would be best if you also kept a diary of everything you're eating how you feel after or even the next day or two. I guarantee by doing this, you will find a food that your body disagrees with.
You can use a journal to track your daily food intake. This comes in handy so you are able to look back a few days or weeks and get an idea of your patterns or habits.
Have a buddy system.

Nothing works quite as well as doing something together. If you have a friend or family member who's willing to do this alongside you, you will have better results. Having a cheerleader or an accountability partner is helpful. We all have times when we need someone that will help us get through a rough spot. Or you may be the supportive partner in the relationship. It is a win-win no matter the case.
The most significant factor is to be kind to yourself. If you genuinely want to feel better and live better, your nutrition needs to be a substantial priority. Please feel free to reach out to me with comments or questions!
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NOTE: By using the word diet, I am not discussing the word diet in the term of losing weight. I am speaking of the nutrition you put daily into your body.
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