
Can eating gluten cause joint pain?

Gluten can cause joint pain, and some people are so sensitive to eating gluten that they have celiac disease. If you’ve been tested for celiac disease and the test came back negative, you may have a gluten intolerance. Eating a gluten-free diet may seem like a fad to some. But for those who have inflammation…

and pain due to eating gluten, they would most certainly disagree.

Joint pain is caused by inflammation inside your body. Your body is sending warning signals to you that something is wrong. Furthermore, how many of us listen? If you suffer from joint pain, your first reaction may be to go to the doctor. Their response will be to put you on a medication, which will treat the symptoms. So where does this pain come from? What is the real source? Could it be that your food is poisoning you? 

What exactly is gluten?

The definition of gluten from the dictionary is:

noun: gluten
1. a substance present in cereal grains, especially wheat, that is responsible for the elastic texture of dough. A mixture of two proteins, it causes illness in people with celiac disease.

You can also read about the harm of gluten here…..https://healthyeahlife.com/what-harm-can-gluten-do/

A person can look healthy on the outside. But there may be a war going on inside you. Inflammation from foods that you have an intolerance of is a real thing. Subsequently, we forget that our food is our fuel. 

You wouldn’t put regular gasoline into a diesel engine, would you? You can put a drop of fuel in your engine, and it will continue to run fine. But, if you continue to put the wrong fuel in, your engine will start to sputter and stall. The same goes for the food you put into your body. You cannot continue to fuel your body with foods that your body has intense reactions to. Eventually, it will stop running at its optimal level. 

Is there a connection between joint pain and gluten intolerance? Arthritis is inflammation. Where does this inflammation come from? If you have joint pain or arthritis, you may consider eating gluten-free for a 30 day period. During this trial, you can see if your pain is alleviated. Make sure you consult your doctor before doing so. 

You also need to stay active. Exercise is also an excellent way to keep inflammation and joint pain down. Walking is an excellent source of activity for the body and mind. 

You can read more about the benefits of walking here…..https://healthyeahlife.com/the-5-benefits-of-walking/ 

Eating gluten has drawbacks for those who are addicted. The addiction can be so powerful that the person does not want to try eliminating them in their diet. Secondly, the withdraws of “carbs” that pieces of bread, plates of pasta, and crackers possess may be a hard task to take on. The thought of eliminating our favorite foods can be debilitating to a person. But, once you get through the detox and your body is no longer inflamed, you will thank yourself. 

If you have any internal pains, my suggestion is to look at what foods you are putting in your body. I have a health journal that I write in every day. It includes my meals for the day, my workouts, my bowel movements (yes, they matter too), and my “feels.” If you are wondering what my feels are, they are how my body feels. I write down headaches, tiredness if my stomach is bothering me, etc. This way, I can easily look back and connect any dots. You see, food is your fuel, and it causes your body to run optimally or poorly. Above all, you should be paying attention to what your body is trying to communicate with you.

Be Well!

Karin Banghart