It is that time again, and a new year is right around the corner. And, it's time to start thinking about your resolutions list. If you have been putting your health on the back burner, it is time to get back on track!
It is the perfect time to get your priorities in check; with the new year comes a new you. You already know that an unhealthy life can take a massive toll on your physical and mental health.
But, not sure where to start? Keep reading for ideas and motivation to change your lifestyle for the better.
Start drinking an adequate amount of water
Drinking a proper amount of water works wonders for both your physical and mental health. There is scientific proof to back the fact that drinking plenty of water boosts your energy levels.
But, what is the proper amount of water to drink? You can find out by using this daily water intake calculator.

Moreover, if your daily water intake does not meet your requirements, you're more prone to headaches, constipation, and kidney disease. Nutritionists and diet experts claim that drinking water makes weight loss regimes more effective. We know that experts suggest that you drink half your body weight in water.
But for someone who drinks only 1-2 glasses per day, that's a giant leap. Some experts suggest starting your day with a glass of warm water and lemon. This combination keeps you hydrated and bolsters your daily intake of vitamin C, preventing flu and cold, especially in the winter months.
Cut down on excessive alcohol intake
This New Year's resolution is for those who drink on a regular habit. We aren't talking about someone who has an occasional glass of wine now and then. But instead, those who regularly drink alcohol may find it challenging to stay true to their healthy New Year's resolutions.
According to studies, a person who drinks excessively is at a higher risk of developing neurological problems and behavioral issues. Moreover, health experts suggest that cutting back on alcohol can significantly enhance your mood and boost your immune system.

Many who drink regularly swear that their skin has started glowing, and their cognitive functions have been increasingly better ever since they've ditched the drinks. Please note that you need to seek counseling or a doctor's supervision to guide you on a regimen specifically designed for you if you have an addiction.
Start going for regular checkups
Normally, we only go to the doctor when we feel ill or have problems. But it's time to change things this year. Numerous people end up suffering a lot more than they should have if they had gone to the doctor a bit earlier.

Early diagnosis of even the deadliest diseases, such as cancer, can lead to timely treatment and recovery of the patient. If you never go to the doctor for regular checkups, start by scheduling a checkup once a year. It is best to have blood work and go over any ailments with your doctor at your visit.
Rely more on natural and DIY Skincare
Natural products that do not contain harmful ingredients are essential to good skin. And DIY skincare is even more beneficial. There are many ways you can nourish your body and get glowing skin. You don't always need dietary supplements and expensive skincare if you do it right.
Vitamin C serums are taking over the skincare industry, but why not eat fruits with Vitamin C? Boost your skin from the inside out.
A high-protein diet can boost collagen, an extremely beneficial element for your skin. DIY skincare masks with natural ingredients result in healthy skin without artificial chemicals.

Overall, natural and DIY products can do wonders for a healthy body and youthful-looking skin. Leave those expensive brands with ingredients that do more harm than good when you have natural products by your side.
Add more greenery to your home
If you haven't already taken up on the trend and surrounded yourself with greenery, don't delay it any further. In this year's New Year resolution, make a promise to yourself to surround yourself with plants and take up gardening.
Plants and herbs aren't your average air freshener. They continuously produce oxygen and utilize excess carbon dioxide. Ask any homeowner who has plants in their home how clear the air in their homes is.

Plus, they give your home such an elegant appearance that undoubtedly has a soothing effect and emanates a serene aura. If you're not a fan of plants inside your home, utilize the space in your backyard and start planting fruits and vegetables. Nothing beats the health benefits that come with fresh produce that's free of any harmful pesticides.
EWG releases a list of a dozen fruits and vegetables contaminated by toxic fertilizers and pesticides each year. Eating some of these “dirty dozen” does more harm than good. Hence, eating fruits and vegetables that you've grown yourself also gives you the satisfaction that you're not eating something harmful.
Increase your reading time
Reading helps you in more ways than one, and before you scroll past this tip, let me convince you. Besides gaining profound knowledge, reading boosts your health too. Multiple studies show that reading can significantly reduce stress if you're picking up the books you love.

In children, it can improve academic performance and brain development. One of the most spectacular discoveries in the medical field is the benefits of reading on Alzheimer's and dementia.
Reading keeps your brain in motion, which reduces the decline of brain cells. As a result, Alzheimer's and dementia patients see more progress in their recovery if they're avid readers. Another bonus is that reading accelerates your cognitive and analytical skills.
Go for a healthy, balanced diet
If you don't choose another single resolution from this entire list, we suggest that you go for this one. A healthy, balanced diet can make all the difference you're looking for to stay physically fit and healthy.
Poor dietary habits can cause a plethora of health problems for you. For instance, if you've been eating high amounts of fat, you're bound to develop cardiovascular issues. Conversely, if you miss out on good fats, you're very likely to develop deficiency diseases.

You also need to cut down on processed and junk foods. Eating whole foods that you cook in your own home is best. Note that dietary requirements vary from person to person, depending upon their body needs, way of lifestyle, and personal preferences.
Hence, the best solution is to ask your dietitian or nutritionist for a balanced, well-nutrition diet that works for you.
Take some time out for any physical activity
People often buy a yearly gym membership as part of their New Year's resolution to stay fit. But many start to lose their motivation and interest and eventually quit after a few weeks.
Similarly, many people try different activities that they're not fond of to shed excess fat. But they're unable to convert their new routine into a long-lasting habit. Hence, this year, try something different. Instead of starting any random exercise, go for something you like and can carry on in the future.

An early morning walk or workout is excellent for physical and mental health. Some people take up cycling and even go to their jobs, colleges, or universities on bicycles. Imagine controlling your weight, reducing the risk of heart disease, and boosting your energy levels, all while doing something you love.
Spend more “me time”
Self-care is beneficial to everyone. Although some people would declare it selfish, everyone needs a little me time. Without taking some time for yourself, you can not achieve the highest physical and mental well-being.
Many people feel calmer, more relaxed, and more focused after taking some time out of their day to focus on themselves. Numerous medical studies reinstate the importance of taking a break for yourself.

Improve your cognitive functions, re-energize, increase concentration and attention, and reduce stress. It only takes is a few minutes out of your day. It may not feel easy taking the time out with the busy lives we're living, especially when we are constantly on the go.
But, this New Year, spend time relaxing even when it feels impossible. Your mind and body will indeed thank you. Schedule ten minutes from your day or 2-3 hours on the weekend to keep yourself on track.
Maintain a balanced sleep cycle
We often neglect sleep, which should never be negotiable. If you have a routine in which you don't get adequate, good-quality sleep, that needs to change. According to health experts and researchers, a good night's sleep is crucial for your physical and mental well-being.
Some doctors even consider it equally essential as physical exercise and healthy eating habits. Research suggests that poor, inadequate sleep can cause weight gain and increase the risk of cardiovascular issues in individuals.

Additionally, irregular and poor sleep cycles also cause changes in glucose metabolism and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. So, if you already have diabetes, improving your sleep time has to become a priority.
Researchers suggest getting 7-8 hours of sleep per day. This theory is interlinked because good sleepers have a better immune system. Hence, this New Year, make a promise to yourself to start getting good, adequate sleep to begin living a healthier lifestyle.
Final Words
These habits are nothing too out-of-the-box or impossible to achieve when you look at it. Slowly incorporate each of these into your daily routine, and you'll notice how much better you feel.
Give yourself grace and know that habits take time to integrate. If you continue to look ahead at the long-term goal of being a healthier version of yourself, then you will continue to keep these resolutions.